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Adeptican't Merchandise

Due to health and safety concerns during 2020, many events and conventions were canceled. One such was the tabletop wargaming convention Adepticon in Chicago, IL. Many of the convention's regular attendees grouped together, and the virtual event "Adeptican't" was formed and took place on the scheduled weekend.

This event was one of the first of its kind early in the year, and the coordinators wanted memorabilia in order to give a physical memento for an event that had become virtual.

Lightning and Lace was pleased to be able to develop a number of merchandise options for the event that were able to be distributed straight to "attendees".

Because of the suddenness of the original event's cancellation, development and production time were both important factors. I was able to create items that could be produced by me in the Lightning and Lace studio and didn't require any outsourcing.

Items include laser cut pins and keychains in custom shapes as well as mugs, totebags and patches sublimated with the parody logo that had been sanctioned by the official Adepticon staff.

Copyright © 2020 Lightning and Lace  ★  Thank you for being here.

Lightning and Lace is run by Emmie Mayne, an industrial designer by training who has had a love of cosplay for over two decades.

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